"There are three pillars that support our health and happiness. These are our diet, lifestyle (including exercise) and how we manage stress.
When there is a crack in any of these pillars, disease can creep in and take root." Dr. Claudia Welch, MSOM Doctor of Oriental Medicine |
When Diet is Wrong, Medicine is of no use.
When Diet is Correct, Medicine is of no need. -Ayurvedic Proverb The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease. -Thomas Edison Let Food Be Thy Medicine, and Thy Medicine Be Thy Food. -Hippocrates |
Ayurveda, "the science of life", originated in India more than 5,000 years ago and is the oldest continuously practiced medicine in the world. Ayurveda is drawn from an understanding of nature's rhythms and laws and is based upon a deep communion with the spirit of
the vital life force and its manifestations within our psychological and physical being.
Human beings are not just chemistry and physical form. Our overall health is an expression of a living consciousness that is universal in nature....which is inherently wise and which has the power to balance and transform itself once its nature is understood. Ayurveda is built around the five elements of ether, air, fire, water and earth and their roles in the natural world.
Ayurveda is "a way of life that teaches us how to maintain health and improve both our energy and our awareness-how to live life to our full human and spiritual potential. Ayurveda shows us not only how to eliminate disease but how to promote longevity so that we can realize our goal in life, which is not just gaining material happiness but achieving profound spiritual realization. Ayurveda remains linked to a spiritual view of humanity and contains methods for connecting us to the greater universe that lies both within and around us." -Dr. David Frawley
The Ayurvedic Definition of Health
" One who is established in Self, who has balanced dosas (primary life force), balanced agni (fire of digestion),
properly formed dhatus (tissues), proper elimination of malas (waste products), well-functioning bodily processes,
and whose mind, soul and senses are full of bliss, is called a healthy person."
the vital life force and its manifestations within our psychological and physical being.
Human beings are not just chemistry and physical form. Our overall health is an expression of a living consciousness that is universal in nature....which is inherently wise and which has the power to balance and transform itself once its nature is understood. Ayurveda is built around the five elements of ether, air, fire, water and earth and their roles in the natural world.
Ayurveda is "a way of life that teaches us how to maintain health and improve both our energy and our awareness-how to live life to our full human and spiritual potential. Ayurveda shows us not only how to eliminate disease but how to promote longevity so that we can realize our goal in life, which is not just gaining material happiness but achieving profound spiritual realization. Ayurveda remains linked to a spiritual view of humanity and contains methods for connecting us to the greater universe that lies both within and around us." -Dr. David Frawley
The Ayurvedic Definition of Health
" One who is established in Self, who has balanced dosas (primary life force), balanced agni (fire of digestion),
properly formed dhatus (tissues), proper elimination of malas (waste products), well-functioning bodily processes,
and whose mind, soul and senses are full of bliss, is called a healthy person."
During your Ayurvedic consultation we will do an initial interview to explore your detailed health history, discuss your primary concerns and health objectives, and use traditional Ayurvedic diagnostic techniques to perform a pulse and tongue assessment to understand and identify the imbalances creating your symptoms. An Ayurvedic course of action including diet and lifestyle practices will be recommended to help you reduce stress, balance your doshas, improve digestion and elimination, enhance immunity, and promote greater relaxation and peacefulness. This may include dietary changes based on your constitutional type, current organ balance/imbalances, appropriate seasonal recommendations, herbal remedies, Ayurvedic massage, yoga therapy, pranayama (breathing techniques), essential oils, meditation and education around home remedies. Cost: 90 minute initial consultation $140- 60 minute follow up $65- To schedule an appointment |
Ayurvedic forehead oil flow treatment A profoundly relaxing treatment of warm oil poured slowly in a continuous stream across the forehead. Shirodhara calms the central nervous system, synchronizes brain waves and promotes a sense of deep peace. Healing takes place as your nervous system begins to revitalize. Before your Shirodhara session, you will receive a face and scalp massage, as well as a nasya (oil for the nasal passages) and a brief application of warm medicated oils to the entire body. Please be prepared to shower and dry your hair after this treatment. Total session from beginning to end is about 75 minutes, as it includes a brief application of oil beforehand on the entire body, as well as the Shirodhara session. Cost $108- To schedule a Shirodhara session |
~Marma Therapy ~
with Tuning Forks & Essential Oils Ayurveda highlights 107 "Marma points" which are vital energy points which are infused with prana, the life force and imbued with consciousness. These marma points are located on the surface of the body and a trained Ayurvedic practitioner can access these points to assist the client into deeper states of consciousness. The Marmani serve as a bridge or doorway between the body, mind & spirit. Each individual Marma session can target specific areas to have unlimited therapeutic applications such as support cellular communication, relief of pain, detoxifying, cleansing, pacifying, rejuvenating, calming of the mind & emotions, enhancing awareness, and serve as a vehicle of preventative care. Cost: $95- total session is 75 minute includes 15 minute intake, 60 minute Marma session -------------------------------- ~ABHYANGA ~ Ayurvedic whole body massage Special herb infused Ayurvedic oils are selected for your constitution, slowly warmed and then gently massaged into the skin. The warm oil penetrates the tissues, loosening toxins and pulling out impurities, as well as improving immunity by increasing lymphatic circulation. Abhyanga is deeply relaxing for the nervous system, clarifying & harmonizing for the mind, helps to detoxify, strengthen and revitalize the entire body as Abhyanga promotes deep peace and stillness. Please be prepared to shower and dry your hair after this treatment. 75 minute session $108- To schedule an Abhyanga session |