Come nourish your entire being from the inside/out at this beautiful retreat that offers vibrational tools such as Aromatherapy, Pranayama, Gentle Yoga, Sound Healing with Tibetan Singing Bowls, Ayurvedic Wisdom and time for Reflective Journal writing around a particular Self Care theme each month.
We will engage in thought-provoking questions and create Intention for our morning yoga practice, so that we may live our yoga both "on and off" the mat and create the life that we desire and that supports us most. (Aroma Yoga Retreat Dates below....)
Come nourish your entire being from the inside/out at this beautiful retreat that offers vibrational tools such as Aromatherapy, Pranayama, Gentle Yoga, Sound Healing with Tibetan Singing Bowls, Ayurvedic Wisdom and time for Reflective Journal writing around a particular Self Care theme each month.
We will engage in thought-provoking questions and create Intention for our morning yoga practice, so that we may live our yoga both "on and off" the mat and create the life that we desire and that supports us most. (Aroma Yoga Retreat Dates below....)
Often times, our busy lives create a challenge for many of
us to drop into a meditative state and instead, we are making
"To Do "Lists as we attempt to sit quietly and slow down our thoughts. Tibetan Singing Bowls are used in our retreats as they offer the Healing Vibrational Sounds that quiet the mind and promote the Alpha state of deep Relaxation and Stillness.
--This is Sacred Time for SELF.... greet the day with a cup of herbal tea and then immerse in this "nourishing" morning Aroma Yoga Retreat where all of your senses will be nourished as you drop inside to restore and rejuvenate.
This full morning retreat is from 9:00am-11:45am and ends by receiving Sound Healing & Reiki as you integrate in resting pose of savasana. Time to Breathe.... Ahhhh.... Come join us in the beautiful Ayurvedic Center of Vermont .....we are in a historic space tucked away from the busy hustle of every day life.~ Om Shanti You Deserve it! Contact Anne if you are interested in learning about upcoming dates for these 3 hours of Bliss! Note: I have held these Aroma Yoga Retreats for the last 10 years from September thru May.... each monthly retreat has been hugely popular & SOLD OUT well in Advance! Contact me to HOLD YOUR SPOT for this Nourishing your Body, Mind & Senses! Cost is $48- Paid in Advance only! Incredible Time to Rejuvenate from the INSIDE OUT! You Deserve this beautiful time for yourself! Namaste, Anne FYI: Space is limited to 12 participants and fills quickly, so RSVP to Anne (below) to officially HOLD your spot! [email protected] |
Each Aroma Yoga Retreat has a Nourishing Self Care Theme for Body, Mind, Spirit and includes:
Aromatherapy, Sound Healing Meditation with Tibetan Singing Bowls, Reflective Journal Writing, Ayurvedic Wisdom, Gentle YOGA, Pranayama, Mantra, Mudras, and you will receive beautiful Reiki energy while you lie in relaxing final pose of Savasana! All Retreats are held at the Ayurvedic Center of Vermont. Exquisite Replenishing TIME FOR SELF! NOTE: Retreats usually fill a month ahead of time.... Contact Anne & send in your Deposits asap to HOLD YOUR SPOT! |